Testcase Authoring Tool

Testcase Authoring Tool

Problem Overview

Testing in automotive applications is equally critical and challenging due to various SW and HW components interacting with each other in a complex graph. This complexity of interactions is increasing exponentially over time. For production, a proper and a fault-proof system needs a robust and faster testing mechanism. The existing tools are independently capable of handling various steps of testing.

However, the input, output, and complexity of test cases need more modularization, ease of execution, test management,and report generation.


This Tool developed by IELEKTRON is used for Test case Authoring

  • Step1: Test case creation and parameter update (like ID, State, Priority, etc).
  • Step2: Test case and Requirement linkage (Bi-direction Traceability).
  • Step3: Signal Mapping (DBC, CDD, PDX files).
  • Step4: Test Script generation.
  • Step5. Trigger dSPACE Automation Desk tool to begin the Test Automation.

The tool provides interfaces to interact with the Requirement Management (RM) tool (like IBM Doors, PTC Integrity, etc.). The Test cases are flushed to the RM tool for storage and baseline. Similarly, Test cases can also be resynced back from the RM tool as individual or Test suite(group).

Block Diagram
Tool Chain

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